Large Grounds Mowing and Strimming
Our lawn services include mowing and grass cutting of larger gardens, paddocks, event fields and estates; any large grass areas that need bigger machinery to tackle them.
Our gardening team has a range of garden machinery and specialised mowing equipment to mow and maintain large and small areas such as events fields, paddocks, sports fields or large gardens and estates. We can collect the grass and dispose of it on-site or off-site, or we can leave the cuttings to decompose and return nutrients to the soil.
The team will gain an understanding of your grounds, taking into account cables and drains to ensure everything keeps running as it should, safely and securely.
Whether you need a one-off mow or grass cutting on a more regular basis, we can help.
Large grounds services
Our large grounds maintenance services are tailored to the requirements of your particular property and its usage, but will typically include:
- understanding your property to ensure that all works are carried out carefully and safely;
- lawn mowing, strimming and lawn edging;
- collection, and disposal or composting of grass cuttings as needed;
- advising on a mowing schedule to keep your grounds looking beautiful;
- arranging access for machinery if required.

Regular mowing of large gardens
If you are struggling to find the time to mow your large garden, Ayegardening can take over this task for you, freeing up your precious time.
The team can mow the lawn and collect the grass - even creating stripes on your large lawn area. Our ride-on mowers collect the grass and we can take this away to the business disposal centre or we can dispose of it on site in a grass compost area. These ride on mowers are suited to grass that is not overgrown and are used for our regular garden maintenance service.
Clearance of overgrown spaces
If you have an overgrown large lawn or paddock area that needs cutting down and clearing, Ayegardening can clear the area efficiently as a one-off service. We can then maintain the area going forward if needed. We have a variety of machinery to clean the overgrown vegetation depending on the length of the grass/weeds.